1711 Route 34 South
Wall Township, New Jersey
Phone (732) 798-8137
Toll Free 1-800-852-0137
Fax (732) 938-2580
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Welcome To Our Website
The objects of this Association are: The
furtherance of the best interests of the Firemen's Relief
Associations of this State which are or may become members
of this Association so that the funds of the said relief
Associations may be protected and the best results for the
benefit of aged and needy active and/or otherwise qualified
fire persons and their families, and those injured,
incapacitated or killed in the performance of their duty,
may be achieved; the protection against the encroachment
upon the source of said funds, the advancement of the status
and best interest of all fire persons, the development and
advancement of the best methods of fire protection and the
cultivation of fraternal fellowship among the various
departments and fire persons throughout the State and

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number - 988
Hudson County Field ExamThe Hudson County Field Exam will be held on March 25th at Secaucus FD, 272 County Avenue, Secaucus, NJ 07094. You should have already received a letter with your scheduled time. Contact the Field Examiner with any problems or questions. Morris County Field Exam - postponedThe Morris County Field Exam is postponed to a future date due to the issues on Route 80 in Wharton. We will notify you of the new date once conditions improve. Contact the Field Examiner with any problems or questions. Middlesex County Field ExamThe Middlesex County Field Exam will be held on April 3rd at the South River FD, 69 Jackson Street, South River, NJ 08882. You should have already received a letter with your scheduled time. Contact the Field Examiner with any problems or questions. Burlington County Field ExamThe Burlington County Field Exam will be held on April 9th at the ES Training Center, 53 Academy Drive, Westampton, NJ 08060. You should have already received a letter with your scheduled time. Contact the Field Examiner with any problems or questions. Warren County Field ExamThe Warren County Field Exam will be held on April 16th at the Washington Boro Firehall, 100 Belvidere Ave., Washington, NJ 07882. You should have already received a letter with your scheduled time. Contact the Field Examiner with any problems or questions. Advisory Committee Meeting dates
Applications for SPECIAL & SUPPLEMENTAL Relief must be received in the State Office by the Monday PRIOR to the Advisory meeting date. April 3rd & 17thMay 1st & 15thJune 5th & 19th The entry screen for the 2025 Convention Delegates and Alternates selection report is open on the Secretary Reports tab. The report must be finalized by May 1st.
The entry screen for the 1st Quarter Relief Paid report is open on the Treasurer Reports tab. The report must be finalized by April 30th. Applications for Local (step 1), Special (step 2), and Supplemental (step 3) Relief are now available on the Forms tab on our website. Applications for Health Care are now available on the Forms tab on our website. 
The following reports must be completed online, finalized, printed out, required signatures applied, and supporting documents attached (where required). Next, either scan and email the completed set to LocalReports@NJSFA.com; OR send the complete set of documents via mail, UPS, or Fed Exp to the NJSFA State Office (keep tracking numbers); or drop off the documents in person. Reports must be received by the due dates listed below: Annual Finance Report due 2/20Annual Membership (percentage) Report due 2/28
The following reports must be entered and FINALIZED ONLINE. The entry screens can be found on either the Secretary or Treasurer Reports tab. Paper, faxed or emailed copies will no longer be accepted:Form #300 - Initial Notification of DeathForm #108 - Member Maintenance Form2025 Officer’s Listing Form due by 2/12025 Convention Delegates’ Selection Forms due by 5/1
All Quarterly Relief Paid Reports - due by the 30th of the month following the end of a quarter If Secretaries or Treasurers are having any issues logging onto their pages/tabs, or completing any reports or forms online, contact the State Office or your Executive Committeeperson immediately.
The only Application for Membership forms that will be accepted are the latest versions (REV 9/23). Any older versions will be returned unprocessed and will need to be resubmitted on the latest version. The latest version is available online on any of the Officer’s tabs.
Membership in our Association is now open to Firefighters between the ages of 18 and 57 (The current original fully completed application (REV 9/23) with a current physical must be received in our office prior to their 58th Birthday). Please call our office if you have any questions.
GENERAL NEWS- Newly revised Applications for Membership were distributed to all Associations. Once you receive the new Applications, please make sure you dispose of all unused older versions. Check your file cabinets, brief cases and anywhere else that older versions might be kept and accidentally used. Also check with your other officers, your Municipal Clerk or your Fire District Office to make sure the unused older versions are disposed of. The only Application for Membership forms that will be accepted are the latest versions (REV 9/23). Any older versions will be returned unprocessed and will need to be resubmitted on the latest version. The latest version is now available online on any of the Officer’s tabs. Effective immediately, the physical will be valid for one (1) calendar year from the date the physical was administered. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician’s Assistants licensed in New Jersey are now able to give the physical.
- The latest revised versions of forms Application for Local Relief (Form 101), Application for Special Relief (Form 113), and Applications for Supplementary Relief (Form 102) are available on the forms tab along with new guidelines and these forms should be used. All older unused versions of the forms must be disposed of and only the new versions should be used. If you need additional copies of any of these forms, you can print them from our website by going to the forms tab.
- Special Relief Assistance is available to most members. You must apply and receive local relief assistance first. If the additional need is there, the amount of Special Relief that you can apply for is $9,000.00 minus your NEW 2025 local level. Once it is approved by the Advisory Committee, the Special Relief is paid out by the State Office. Contact your local Association Trustees or Secretary for additional information. A copy of the application can be printed from the Forms tab.
- The Health Care Assistance/Rehabilitation Program is available for members who need assistance from a licensed caregiver. The program is designed to help with the expense of ongoing personal care and not for house cleaning or property maintenance type costs. Contact your local secretary for additional information. The application form is available to be printed from the Forms tab. Applications once approved by the Advisory Committee, are good for one year. The member may be receiving care at home, an adult day-care facility, a rehabilitation facility or a long-term care facility. This program is a monthly reimbursement program paid out by the State Office. For more information, contact your local Secretary, Executive Committeeperson or the State Office.
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, notice is hereby given that the Meetings of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey State Firemen's Associations shall be held as follows:
Date:Saturday, May 3, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
, NJ
Date:Saturday, July 19, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
, NJ
Date:Saturday, September 6, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
1711 ROUTE 34
, NJ
Date:Saturday, November 22, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
, NJ
Date:Saturday, February 21, 2026
Time: 9:00 AM
, NJ